sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014

Did you know that...? foreach

IEnumerator is a simple interface that defines a basic low level protocol to traverse a collection in a forward-only manner. The protocol is so simple:

Collections normally don't implement enumerators directly. Instead, they provide enumerators via IEnumerable interface:

The benefit of implementing this interface in a collection is that several consumers of the collection can enumerate it without interfering with each other. 

Enumerable can be thought of as "IEnumeratorProvider".

So we could walk a collection like this:

However we have a  great syntactic sugar for Enumerable: foreach.

The compiler will convert the former foreach into the previous enumeration using the underlying Enumerator.

There's more...
We normally will make use of the generic counterparts, IEnumerator<T> and IEnumerable<T>.
One of the main advantages of using the generic version is that IEnumerator<T> inherits from IDisposable. This allows us to have a collection on which every element can be disposed, like a database connection.

So let's go to the point of this post. Let's see real magic in action.

1. This is what we write:

2. Compiler converts this to use an using block because of IDisposable nature of IEnumerable + Compiler converts it to use underlying enumerator:

3. Compiler converts this using block to call Dispose defined in IDisposable:

(I know I have a compiling error but you get the idea right? :))

If we compare the first piece with the last one we can save a few lines of code.
This is the magic that happens behind the scenes if we call a foreach using a disposable collection.

Keep coding!